We are proud to announce that this month we appreciated the team that put together this star. Who is non other than... CARLY RAE JEPSEN.
Name: Carly Rae Jepsen
Interesting fact: She came 3rd place in Canadian idol (2007).
1st album: Was released in 2008- Tug of war

Has toured with numerous Canadian singers:
.Marianas trench, the mission district and the new cities

After falling in love with her songs, fellow Canadian Justin Bieber, couldn't resist to take her on board of his crew.
The first time we heard call me maybe, was in April and this video made us love it even more. Watch out for:
.Justin bieber
.the big time rush boys
. Selena Gomez
.Ashley Tisdale...
Call me maybe was the first song from a Canadian to reach the top of the digital charts.
As well as music, her fashion sense is incredible. But no one can look so good without some help. Check out her vevo stylized video.
We hate to leave without giving you her fanmail address so you can send her mail just like us. so here it is:
Carly Rae Jepsen
604 Records
101 - 1001 Unit 362 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 4E4
Check out her awesome hits that we love:
Get in touch:
You tube:
Well that's all from us. Comment, follow, subscribe and tell all your gorgeous friends to check us out. Tell what you think of Carly.
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